The Bible of Anarchy, preface

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As grotesque as these financial woes are, where each dawn wells forth across the globe because humanity has based its production on property rights and must therefore spend and earn money simply to live, I would not have become an anarchist if property and money had in some way contributed however little to hastening humanity’s march towards that lofty goal that is each person’s rule over sy mind and body.

Indeed I would go one step further and say: never would I suddenly have found my cause to be grabbing the red banner of anarchy, and climbing onto a tribune to wave it high above the undulating masses, if property rights backed by the institution of money had not in fact blockaded humanity’s path to the goal it was created to reach.

But over the course of millennia now, property rights and money have forced humanity to do virtually nothing but march in place; and over the course of millennia now these idiotic institutions have been akin to lead weights firmly attached to humanity’s ankles, making it nigh impossible for our species to move even one iota.

And it is for this reason that I scream these words with all the force of my lungs, and will continue to scream until my last breath leaves my body: down with property rights, and away with money! Break those Satanic chains that bind humanity’s feet to those accursed lead weights, so that humanity free and proud can soar into space and jubilantly pursue its great decision’s aim: to conquer the universe, and establish itself in it like a master of his own home. What the Hell are you waiting for? Break those chains and free humanity — let this multimillennial idiocy finally end!

Continue to book 1, chapter 1: “Humanity’s perplexing idiocy”

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